Archives for February 2011

3 DIY Projects to Create Romantic Light on Valentine's Day

On: Saturday, February 12, 2011

Do you like the idea of celebrating Valentine's Day on the cheap... or even for free? Making things for your beloved one is always so inspiring!

Here are three ideas for you to create romantic atmosphere using what you have (and don't need at home):

Create Romantic Light from Beer Can

All you need is one beer can and a candle - plus some imagination! Looks how some creative cutting creates absolutely stunning effect:

Beer Can Romantic Light
A Slide Lamp

This project is harder to implement but it would be surelly appreciated. Besides, you still have a day! (Via Recycled Crafts)

Slide Lamp

A Heart Lamp

This one is for geekiest of us. But if you have time and love playing with LED lights, you'll find the idea great!

Love Lamp