Showing posts with label cd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cd. Show all posts

Do-It-Yourself New Year Round-up!

On: Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I am sorry I haven't been updating my blog for a while but I felt obliged to post at least something to round-up this exciting year.

Great winter holidays DIY projects: enjoy!

Plastic Cups Snowman

This snowman will never melt and it will serve as the holiday decoration for your home throughout many years!

Plastic Cups Snowman

Recycle Gift Cards into Christmas Tree Ornament

I am sure it is fun to create too! And depending on your gift card providers, can be various colors!

Recycle Gift Cards into Christmas Ornament

Plastic Bottle Candle Holder

These will come in handy for any winter holiday including st Valintine's day and New Year:

Plastic Bottle Candle Holder

And don't forget these CD candle holders as well!

Drinking Straw Light Fixture

I am pretty sure this one can be used as the holiday decoration!

Drinking Straw Light Fixture

CD Christmas Tree

OK, it is a bit late now but why not save the page for the next year?

CD Christmas Tree

CD Photo Frame

A great last-minute February 14 gift idea!

CD photo frame

CD Disco Ball

Can also be turned into awesome holiday decor!
CD disco ball

LED Lights in a Bottle

Beautiful decor idea for the holidays!
Christmas LED Lights in a Bottle

Ping-Pong Balls into Diffused Party Lights

Ping-Pong Balls Lights

Light Bulb Christmas Tree

Made of used light bulbs this tree looks awesome and is absolutely reusable and environment-friendly!

Light Bulb Christmas Tree
I hope you feel inspired! Happy Holidays and see you in 2011!

Solar Powered CD-Case Bricks!

On: Saturday, April 3, 2010

This DIY project is harder to create than our usual discovery but I was so much amazed by its pure coolness that I couldn't help sharing it.

Look how awesome those solar powered CD-Case LED bricks look at night: you are definitely likely to want to create those for your garden or lawn...

They incorporate ... things to mess around with: LEDs, Solar panels, hot glue, man it's all there and they look great to boot!

Solar Powered CD-Case Bricks!

Solar Powered CD-Case Bricks!

CD Decor

On: Friday, April 2, 2010

Wondering what to do with the pile of unloved CDs that won't play any more?

Grab a couple of dozens of them and create a cool piece of decor: it is something in the middle between a CD picture and a CD sculpture but looks like fun!

CD sculpture

Related CD inspiration:

CD Room Divider

On: Thursday, March 4, 2010

We've seen already a cool CD curtain that looks great reflecting the day light. Here's one more, pretty much similar way to re-use old CDs: a room divider.

CD room divider

And here's also a video to get you even more inspired:

CD Christmas Tree

On: Friday, January 29, 2010

Oh, I am so late with this one!

But on the plus side, that's a good reason to collect old CDs for the whole year to have enough of them for this year's Christmas tree!

Go spread the idea!

CD Christmas Tree

CD Shower Curtain Holders

On: Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This looks both useful and nice. I am sure it will be a good fit for almost any bathroom interior.

Besides, that's a great way to take advantage of old CDs which is always good (we love recycling!)

CD shower curtain

CD Dumbbell

On: Thursday, January 14, 2010

OK, so w have seen plenty of ideas om how to recycle old CDs but this is something I am not sure about:

A CD dumbbell? How much does it weight?

CD Dumbbell

CD Lamp

On: Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I have already shared a lamp where stack of CDs were used as a lamp base. But this one is much more impressive!

In it, CDs are a glow - they create some beautiful plastic light effect when having a bulb inside:

CD lamp

CD Photo Frame

On: Wednesday, December 30, 2009

CD photo frame

Here's last-minute idea for your loved one New Year gift: cut your photo into a circle, attach it to CD with double face tape. Now, cover the back of the CD with sticky back felt. Use tacky glue to secure it into a slot in base.

CD Disco Ball

On: Monday, December 28, 2009

CD disco ball

This one is truly a New Year project. Here's an inspiration and a challenge for you: throw a 80s-style party for this New Year's Eve.

This CD disco ball will be a great fit. Just grab your (maybe also your friends') old unloved CDs, cut them to pieces and glue around a sphere.

CD Candle Holder

On: Sunday, December 13, 2009

CD Candle Holder

This cool candle holders will take you no more than a few seconds to create: take a couple of old CDs, put them in a microwave oven for some time (no more than a couple of seconds) and add nice candles.

This tip can come quite in handy for the holidays: easy and fun!

Stack of CDs as a Lamp Base

On: Saturday, December 12, 2009

Stack of CDs as a Lamp Base

Need some more geeky design elements in your interior or just can't seem to find a way to take advantage of old CDs?

Here's a cool idea to turn your used CD into a cool modern design element.

CD Spindle Lamp

On: Thursday, December 10, 2009

CD Spindle Lamp

Well, if you don't feel like using a CD spindle as a tissue paper holder and dispenser, here's a better way to reuse it: create a CD spindle lamp!

Here's a detailed instruction which is really easy to follow!

CD Spindle Lamp

CD Spindles Tissue Paper Holder and Dispenser

On: Sunday, November 22, 2009

CD Spindles Tissue Paper Holder and Dispenser

Many ideas are so simple and yet so genius that you can't help getting admire and inspired: creating a tissue paper dispenser form a CD spindle is just an idea like that: no time or effort needed - just enjoy it!

DIY IPhone Dock (Made of CDs)

On: Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I am sure you have plenty of used / unwanted CDs at home you don't throw away for no reason.

Here's a way to take advantage of them: a cool iPhone dock: easy and stylish!