Showing posts with label old computer parts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label old computer parts. Show all posts

10 Cool Computer Clocks - Geeky Days

On: Tuesday, November 16, 2010

If you have successfully scored a great Dell deal and purchased a brand new computer (congrats!), you may be in desperate need to re-use your old one. So here you go: 10 great ideas for you to get inspired!

I know, I know, most of these are too hard to make yourself - but hey! It's holiday and gift-season. You'd better think about the presents now and these clocks can be huge source of inspiration!

Besides, if you manage to make something like this with your own hands, you'll be so proud of yourself (and so will your beloved ones)!

1. iClock: Apple Keyboard Clock

Clock dial is a former Apple iBook G3 Clamshell laptop computer keyboard section.

iClock: Apple Keyboard Clock


2. Mac Keyboard Clock

Is anything made out of Apple keyboards look so awesome, I wonder?

Mac keyboard clock


3. Mac G4 Clock

The side panel of an old Mac G4 recycled into a stylish clock! Simply awesome!

Mac computer clock


4. Windows 2000 Holographic CD Desk Clock

This clock is made from a recycled working copy microsoft windows 2000 Professional CD.

Windows 2000 holographic cd desk clock


5. Laptop Keyboard into a Wall Clock

At the base of the clock hands is a stator from a computer hard drive motor.

Computer keyboard clock


6. Recycled Circuit Board into a Vintage Clock

Awesome vintage look would be a perfect fit for some interiors: A round lemon yellow circuit board with concentric circles of shiny copper sits on top of this chartreuse green circuit board.

Computer clock


7. Apple G3 Computer Front Cover into a Clock

This minimal-design clock could    make a great conversation piece on your wall or great present for your geeky friend:

Computer clock


8. Apple Laptop Computer Clock

A real 12" Apple laptop converted into a clock with a real working pendulum mouse!

Apple Laptop Computer Clock


9. Hard Drive Clock

The face of the clock is the 5 inch platter of a former hard drive. Overall, the clock sports awesome minimalist design:

Computer hard drive clock


10.  A Hard Drive CAT Clock

Can it both fun and geeky?! For sure!

Computer cat clock


CD Disco Ball

On: Monday, December 28, 2009

CD disco ball

This one is truly a New Year project. Here's an inspiration and a challenge for you: throw a 80s-style party for this New Year's Eve.

This CD disco ball will be a great fit. Just grab your (maybe also your friends') old unloved CDs, cut them to pieces and glue around a sphere.

Recycle a Computer Monitor into a Cute Cat Bed

On: Sunday, November 29, 2009

Computer Monitor Cat Bed

I love cats, do you? And I know very well how cats love when they have their own cute little home (be it a box or my wardrobe shelf).

And here's a home for a geeky cat: a cute home made of an old CRT monitor! Notice that nice little mouse that serves as a toy. And I love the way the cat bed is decorated and colored (the item is sold out currentky but you can easily make something like this yourself)!