Archives for May 2011

Dictionary Lamp - A Bit of Geekery at Home

On: Thursday, May 5, 2011

I wasn't able to find any tutorial on creating this one but I loved the idea. Look:
  1. A dictionary page for the shade;
  2. A round-bottomed flask for the stand.

The main thing is to remember that a light bulb can get really hot while on, so don't let it be close to the paper.


Dictionary Lamp

More awesome lamp ideas:

DIY Stone Bath Mat

On: Sunday, May 1, 2011

Do you want to feel yourself at the seaside each time you step down from your bath? Here's an awesome idea for you: a stone bath mat.

It looks very easy to create: just make a wooden frame and feel it with sea stones the way it is comfortable to stand on. You may have to go to the sea to collect nice-looking pebbles with smooth edges to create this thing.

There are a couple of advantages of this DIY project:
  • It is visually very appealing;
  • It is really unique and will make your bathroom your home most interesting place;
  • It should be very good for health: my mom has always taught me that standing and walking barefooted on the sea pebbles helps in conditions like flat foot and is generally very useful for health.

Stone Bath Mat

Here's another cool floor idea for your bathroom: Bath Mat out of Wine Corks

This is a DIY guest tip by Aimee, a creative home-maker and frugal mom blogging for HomeLoanFinder, the best free mortgage comparison tool and informative money-saving resource.