DIY: Sandals for the Beach Made of Plastic Bottles

On: Friday, June 19, 2009

Who doesn't have a bunch of plastic bottles at home? Here's a good way to take advantage of them:

Just crunch the bottle flat and slip your feet in between the label and the flattened bottle.

16 appreciated comments on "DIY: Sandals for the Beach Made of Plastic Bottles"

Karen said...

haha love it

hihihi! said...

Holy fk you are hilarious. :) I tried making flipflps from plastic bags but this is WAAY better. :) I love it!

Dolphin said...

hmm, don't know if this one will catch on...they don't look too comfy, but good to think outside the square

Anonymous said...

can you imagine the look on the faces of CSI if these were the shoe prints at a crime scene

Debbie said...

If you lost your flip flops after you got to the beach and the sand was blazing hot...might be worth a try. You have to admit this would probably make a very good conversation piece!! :)

Anonymous said...

OMG, seriously? Lol.

Anonymous said...

""can you imagine the look on the faces of CSI if these were the shoe prints at a crime scene""

Hahahaha!!! Genius!

TeaLover said...

I know you're having a good giggle.. thinking about everybody trying to get our feet into that label.. Lol!!

Anonymous said...

It would probably work with with some pretty duct tape around it.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha! nice one. lavet.

Anonymous said...

I don't reckon these would have good traction.

Anonymous said...

this seems silly but quite an awesome tip for emergency situations. I'll keep it filed in the back of my mind under the "OMFG I cant believe I'm stuck here without shoes" category.

Anonymous said...

Love it! I was also thinking these would be great at "emergency" shower shoes at camp, too.

kerajinan tangan said...

Nice, best idea :D

Anonymous said...

those are awesome. Would save me lots of money. I go through about three pair of slippers a year.. thanks for the idea. Just have to make them non slippery

Anonymous said...

awesome idea. I go through at least three pair a year, these will save me money. Just have to make them non slippery

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